

Applications for direct admission progression for the fall term will be accepted July 1-November 1. 11月1日以后不受理申请材料.

Note: If you are a current high school student interested in Carroll's 物理治疗博士 program, 进一步了解我们的 物理治疗博士(DPT) 3+3直接录取


步骤1: 提交 研究生申请

步骤2: Complete and submit the following within the application status portal after submission of your application:

  1. 临床经验文件 - Verified observations in at least two unique settings for a combined minimum of 16 hours is required. 实践设置包括住院急症护理, 住院康复/亚急性康复设施, 养老院设施/延伸护理, 独立PT门诊或医院门诊, 学校/学前, 工业/职业健康, 或者家庭健康.
  2. 一份专业参考 - 这是教你的大学/学院教授的要求. A submission link will be sent to your reference once you enter contact information within your application.
  3. 安全技术标准表 - 在应用程序状态门户中找到.
  4. 重新开始
  5. 信贷审核 - 可以在你的学生门户网站中随时找到吗. 审核,确保所有程度, 通识教育, 并完成支持课程要求. CCS400可以在专业阶段的第一年完成. 在开始DPT课程之前,您必须至少获得97学分.

步骤3: 提交 GRE官方记录 博天堂官方入口登陆登录(学校代码1101,系. 代码0619)

步骤4: 通过注册办公室提交毕业申请.


  • 累积绩点3.2或更高(4).0规模) 
  • *Pre-Professional GPA为3.2或更高(4).0规模)
  • 专业预科课程可以在任何认可的大学或学院学习, 包括两年制大学, 和技术学校. 每门专业预科课程的成绩必须达到C或更高. 先修学分可以满足先决条件.
  • Pre-professional science courses must be completed within seven years of matriculation.
  • Biology, chemistry and physics prerequisites must be taken in a complete sequence, i.e. 解剖学和生理学一和解剖学和生理学二.
  • 最多可重修一门专业预科课程以获得更高的成绩.
  • The DPT program uses the last grade awarded in the pre-professional science GPA calculations if a course was repeated.
  • No more than one pre-professional course may be outstanding at the time of application. 所有的课程必须在春季学期结束前完成. Pending courses completed in the fall term will be included in GPA calculations.
  • Courses identified with an asterisk are used to calculate the pre-professional science GPA (see the 博天堂官方入口登陆登录 catalog for course descriptions).
    • *生物
      • Two semesters anatomy and physiology with labs or 2 general biology with labs (equivalent to Carroll's: ANP130 and ANP140 or BIO120 and BIO125)
    • *化学
      • Two semesters general chemistry or college chemistry with labs (Equivalent to Carroll's: CHE101 and CHE102 or CHE109 and CHE110)
    • *物理
      • Two semesters general physics with labs (Equivalent to Carroll's: PHY101 and PHY102 or PHY203 and PHY204)
    • *心理
      • 一学期(相当于卡罗尔的:PSY101及以上). 最多一门额外的心理学课程, 在200级或更高, 是否会包括在专业前的GPA计算中.
    • 统计数据
      • One semester statistics required for entrance to the DPT program (equivalent to Carroll's: CMP112 or CMP114)
      • 根据你的专业,你可能需要参加多个学期的学习
      • 不包括在专业前GPA计算中
      • Pre-PT business administration/health care administration majors may substitute CMP114 for BUS114



该计划的第三学期将要求心肺复苏术认证. The Program will offer CPR training options in the second or third semester of the DPT program.

Some students may choose to become or have been certified before they enter the Program. The following are CPR certification guidelines if students choose to complete CPR before entrance into the Program.

CPR认证必须通过美国心脏协会. 证书必须包括成人和儿科的心肺复苏术和AED, 包括2人救援器和气囊阀面罩. 课程必须包括亲自完成技能检查. 批准的课程:

更严格的认证课程, 如EMT或OEM, 是否可以由项目自行决定批准.
Students are responsible for maintaining currency in certifications throughout the Program.


医疗文档 needed for clinical experiences will be discussed in the first year of the DPT program. The faculty will discuss timing of 免疫接种 to help students limit unnecessary cost or health care visits.
Copies of immunization proof and other required forms will be uploaded and stored in the Exxat database. Students should always maintain the original verification documents for their own personal records and should not give the sites or program the original documentation. 学生负责任何必要的实验室测试的费用, x射线, 免疫接种, or any other medical test required by the clinical facility unless otherwise indicated.

  • MMR
  • Hepatitis B vaccine/informed declination (Declination form available at 博天堂官方入口登陆登录 Student Health Center)
  • 水痘免疫或滴度
  • 破伤风白喉百日咳混合疫苗
  • 每年注射流感疫苗(每年秋季完成)
  • 每年结核病皮肤试验(详情如下)
  • 可能需要进行其他免疫接种.
  • 参与你的临床教育经历, 您需要遵守主机站点策略. Students will be working with the program’s clinical coordinators to provide evidence of vaccination status.
  • *All students will be participating in on-campus patient care experiences and will be required to follow the 博天堂官方入口登陆登录 College of Health Science vaccination policies including COVID-19.

 根据DPT计划政策, student exemptions from the immunization requirements will be considered on a case-by-case basis. 如果批准豁免免疫要求, the University cannot guarantee that its affiliated hospitals and clinics will allow the student to participate in patient care, which is a fundamental requirement of the clinical education component of the Program. 有些诊所可能有有限的医疗或宗教豁免.


10月1日, 1998, 威斯康辛州, 卫生署, and Family Services mandated that all persons who seek to be employed and/or licensed in the caregiver industry must fulfill the Caregiver and Background Check requirements in Section 50.威斯康星州法令第065条. Completing the background and criminal history check is a DPT Program requirement. If the check uncovers information that may prevent a student from participating in program activities, 学生将被通知. 当背景调查发现有违法行为时, the program does not guarantee clinical education experience placement or accommodation. Results of the background check are shared with program constituencies as appropriate. 背景调查是通过通用背景筛选进行的.


请致电262-524-7361或电子邮件联系Brian Ish ptinfo@qthklwl.com.

Candidates are welcome to schedule an individual meeting to discuss the program or application process by using this 调度联系.

The entry-level 物理治疗博士 Program admits qualified students regardless of race, color, 信条, 性, 年龄, 性取向, 国家或民族出身, or disability that does not interfere with the performance of professional physical therapy practice as provided by law. Applications and credentials for admission to the physical therapy program must be submitted for processing to the 博天堂官方入口登陆登录 Office of 入学. 项目的决定是由选拔委员会根据申请做出的, 申请人将通过招生办公室收到通知.

入学和标准可能会根据法规发生变化, 许可和/或认证需求.
